

we cordially invite you to the Open Studio on Friday, 9 December, from 6 to 8 pm at Kampnagel (rehearsal stage 6a).

Today we start our second rehearsal week at Kampnagel: for the first time since June, all the dancers of ENSEMBLE are coming together. In alternating constellations of three and four, Venetsiana Kalampaliki, Salah Zater, Israel Akpan Sunday, Chartreuse, Nina Wollny, Joel Small, Chihiro Araki and Chris Leuenberger have been improvising with each other over the last few weeks and developing strategies for sharing movements with those not present. 

There is already a lot of great material to build on in the coming weeks!  

At the last Open Studio this year, we would like to give you a glimpse of this material and are already very excited about your feedback!


When: 09 December 2022 | 6 PM–8 PM
Where: Kampnagel (Rehearsal stage 6a)| Jarrestraße 20 | 22303 Hamburg

Please register in advance by sending an email to hello@jennybeyer.de. We will then contact you with further information.

Note on corona: In order to participate, we kindly ask you to do a self-test in advance on a voluntary basis (not older than 24 hours).

We would also like to share with you what's particularly important for us in the development of ENSEMBLE (text: Igor Dobričić, dramaturgy):

"It is touching when people agree to do something together. When they at least try, out of a pure act of openness. Our choreographic material may feel fragmented because many people contributed to it. But that is okay. We live in a fragmented world and the effort to endure that fragmentation is important because it is how relationships can be made and discovered.

ENSEMBLE is a work that values mutual support and respect for each other over individual 'excellence'. This is something that in theory should be the goal of every corps de ballet, but in practice never works out that way. 

This is also the invitation to the audience: They too practice perceiving and judging 'excellence' differently. It is about practicing a different attitude towards movement itself – both in the execution of movement and in its observation."

We are very much looking forward to seeing you and cordially invite you to the premiere of ENSEMBLE on 18 January at 7.30 pm at Kampnagel!

Your Jenny & Team

Fotos: Thies Rätzke
Kampnagel | 19-22.02.

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