Second Part of the Trilogy of Encounter

Duets at a Distance

Premiere: April 7th 2020

8 p.m. at Kampnagel Hamburg / DansiT Trondheim / Online

»Nothing is direct, indirectness is haunting us.«

DEUX focuses on the meeting of two people as an intimate and at the same time precarious endeavour. The imperative of physical distance imposed by the pandemic becomes the playing field for three pas de deux in which the dancers Nina Wollny, Chris Leuenberger and Jenny Beyer invite each other to dance in changing constellations via video conference. They meet each other in a space that is not (yet) shared.

DEUX carefully tests the possibilities that open up when we work together at a distance. When it is not possible to meet in person, the search for connectedness becomes more visible than ever. Why do we need the other ? What does closeness mean right now? What is the value of the empty space between us? The duet partners share solo existence and are challenged to find new forms of orientation with each other. A new performance space emerges and we, spectators and performers alike, don’t know yet who we will be in that space.

DEUX is a hybrid production that will premiere simultaneously at Kampnagel in Hamburg, at DansiT in Trondheim and online via video conference. The piece is created as the second part of a trilogy in which Jenny Beyer and team investigate the potential moments of encounter in the classical dance formats solo, pas de deux and corps de ballet. DEUX was created within the framework of the rehearsal format OFFENES STUDIO in close exchange with a pysically present and digital audience. In this format Jenny Beyer and team offer tasks, practices and material from their ongoing process as impulse for an open exchange with the audience members and to develop new forms of encounter through being together.

Tickets: Performances take place live via Zoom conference as well as with a small audience in Trondheim.
For further information please visit:

"(...) and at the latest now you have understood what a deeply wistful, intimate, melancholy piece this 'DEUX' actually is."

Falk Schreiber, Hamburger Abendblatt, April 9th 2021


Concept/Artistic Direction

Jenny Beyer


Jenny Beyer

Chris Leuenberger

Nina Wollny




Anne Kersting

Igor Dobričić

Stage Design

Marian Regdosz

Costume Design

Gloria Brillowska

Light Design & -technics

Henning Eggers

Øystein Lutro Blomsøy


Helena Ratka

Juliane Schütz


Malwine Mangold-Volk

Juliane Schütz

Production/Coordination Trondheim

Nina Wollny

Creative Production/Press

Stückliesel (Pamela Goroncy & Jessica Buchholz)

Artistic Assistance

Mara Nitz

Anna Thu Schmidt


07. April 2021, 8 p.m.

Kampnagel Hamburg / DansiT Trondheim / Online

Further Performances: 08.-11. April 2021, 8 p.m.

Kampnagel Hamburg / DansiT Trondheim / Online

DEUX is a production by Jenny Beyer in co-production with Kampnagel Hamburg and DANSiT/Dansekunst i Trondheim og Midt-Norge, in cooperation with K3 | TANZPLAN Hamburg and the MA Contemporary Dance Education, Frankfurt, funded by the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media, supported with residencies at TANZHAUS ZÜRICH and DansiT Trondheim. 
DEUX is a part of the Multiplié dance festival in Trondheim.


Photos: © Thies Rätzke & Juliane Schütz
OPEN STUDIOCollaboration
Kampnagel | 14.02.2025

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