First part of the Trilogy of Encounter- The solo facing the many

The solo is a solitary act towards the many, but unfolds its power from the paradox of shared intimacy. Hamburg-based choreographer Jenny Beyer, who has already included audience perception in her Trilogy of Viewership, takes an even broader perspective in Début, exploring the theater as a place for negotiating expectations. In collaboration with Chris Leuenberger, Matthew Rogers and Nina Wollny, she has developed four consecutive solo performances that explore the theme of audience interaction. The question is whether the soloists are able to retain their autonomy of action when faced with their audience, shrugging off descriptions such as authentic, autobiographical, commanding, unique. One after the other, they enter the spotlight. Four moving choreographies come to life, negotiating a single individual acting in front of the many.

In Collaboration with Nina Wollny, Chris Leuenberger and Matthew Rogers

“It is all held together by Beyer’s willingness to allow for individuality, disparity, discomfort, embraces and closeness in this celebration of the body – the queer, diverse, unfamiliar body.”

Falk Schreiber, Viereinhalbsätze.de

“(…) The movements are beautiful, the stage minimalistic, the dancers highly qualified, taking over the space with power and abandon. It is virtually impossible not to be drawn in by the aesthetics of this evening.”

Katrin Ullmann, Die Tageszeitung

"Inspite of employing solo acts, Jenny Beyer has achieved a complex, highly concentrated performance piece that vividly illustrates the power of individuality by showing the vulnerability but also the irrepressible strength inherent in human beings.”

Anette Bopp, Tanznetz.de



Jenny Beyer

Solistic Concepts/Choreography/Dance

Jenny Beyer
Chris Leuenberger
Matthew Rogers
Nina Wollny 




Igor Dobričić
Anne Kersting 


Gloria Brillowska 


Henning Eggers 

Artistic Production Management/Press



16. January 2018, Kampnagel Hamburg

Additional Performances: January 17 – 19 at Kampnagel Hamburg


Début is a production by Jenny Beyer, co-produced by Kampnagel Hamburg, funded by the Hamburg Department of Culture, supported by residencies at the Dampfzentrale Bern and the Centro per la Scena Contemporanea/Bassano del Grappa.
Photos by Thies Rätzke


OPEN STUDIOCollaboration
Kampnagel | 14.02.2025

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