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Funding by TANZPAKT Stadt–Land–Bund

TANZPAKT Stadt–Land–Bund funding of our project TO GIVE–TO TAKE–TO NEED

We are beyond happy to share some great news with you: 

Together with Kampnagel, K3 – Center for Choreography | Tanzplan Hamburg and other partners, and with the support of the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media, we have received the TANZPAKT Stadt–Land–Bund funding, which enables us to realize our three-year-project TO GIVE –TO TAKE –TO NEED from January 2022 until the beginning of 2025.


Under the motto TO GIVE–TO TAKE–TO NEED, we will focus our research and practice even more strongly on expanding our concept of the audience(s) and dedicate ourselves to the topic of the multidirectionality of mediation over the course of the next three years.

Together with our partners (see below) we’ll develop tools and strategies for 'audience' development and, in particular, for 'audience' involvement: To do this, we’ll think our mediation and encounter format of the OPEN STUDIOS more mobile and go to places that are new to us and so far undeveloped for contemporary dance in Hamburg. More OPEN STUDIOS will take place in a national and international context and in exchange with colleagues.

In addition, we are setting up a residency programme at our new studio in Hamburg–Altona in order to give space to other artistic languages ​​and concepts of audience encounters and participation.

At the end of the period, the production "An Attempt of Togetherness" (working title) will be created, i.a. with the international initiative Sweet&Tender Collaborations. Artists will come together across national borders to work on the following questions from different locations, facing different contexts and audiences: How is transnational cooperation possible in the face of climate change and spreading nationalisms? How can we share interests and resources?

For more information on the funding please refer to the press release of TANZPAKT.

TO GIVE–TO TAKE–TO NEED will be realised together with the following partners:

KampnagelK3 – Zentrum für Choreografie | Tanzplan HamburgHausDrei e.V.Eidelstedter KulturContainerHochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz BerlinStudiengang Contemporary Dance Education Master (MA CoDE) der HfMDK FrankfurtAkademie der Kulturellen Bildung RemscheidHochschule für Künste im Sozialen OttersbergNRW Landesbuero TanzKultur- und Bildungszentrum Bad OldesloeGalerie im Marstall AhrensburgTanzhaus ZürichDansekunst i Trondheim og Midt–Norge (DansiT)Sweet&Tender Collaborations

Fotos: Thies Rätzke
Kampnagel | 14.02.2025

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