A letter to Pam*
* Potential audience members
This text was created during the digital COLLABORATORY in February 2021
by Jenny Beyer, Moritz Frischkorn, Gloria Höckner and Patricia Carolin Mai.
Dear Pam*,
we haven't seen each other in a long time. Meanwhile, I've gotten a little shy. I don't know whether our common rules still apply.
At the same time, I'm looking forward to finally spending time together again. You and me.
How are you actually doing without me?
In the past, we could spend together in the same room for two or three hours, now I don't even know if you still want that.
Does that sound desperate? Is this about you or me?
When this is over, will you tell me about yourself?
Do you even want to tell me anything?
Or do you prefer it when I tell you something? Or when I move for you?
What do you actually want from me?
Do you want to spend the evening with me? To experience something? Do you want to dance with me?
Do you like dancing?
And what are you doing after the dancing?
Is this going too far for you? Is this going too fast for you? What is the RIGHT DISTANCE ???
Ask me anything you ever wanted!
What annoys you about dance? And about dance professionals? And about dance institutions?
Did you miss me as well?
You know, I'm actually quite okay now and then without you. I think it's important that you know that. That's not to say I don't care about you. Not at all.
If you were to decide from here, how would you proceed?
Can we fall in love again? Should we give it another try?
Hopefully till soon,
your favourite choreographers