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The residency programme invites choreographers to devise ways of opening their artistic practices to audiences. The goal of the two-week residencies is to shape and host an encounter with spectators in the form of an OPEN STUDIO in the Studio ‚Alte Post’ in Hamburg–Altona. 


- who work and live in Hamburg
- with various backgrounds and practices
- with the desire to invite people into their artistic process
- with an interest in exploring mediation and encounter formats with audiences
- with openness and curiosity towards sharing tools and practices with others
- who have interest and capacity to shape and host an OPEN STUDIO in the Studio ‚Alte Post’ 
- who are willing to contribute to a respectful, inclusive working environment based on solidarity


three payed two-week-residencies at the Studio ‚Alte Post’ (Hamburg–Altona) at the following dates:

1) 29 May – 11 June 2023 2) 14 – 25 August 2023  3) 20 November – 3 December 2023


- 2 weeks of time and studio space to work on your own choreographic/dance projects and formats
- a fee of 2000 € in total
- support and mentoring by Jenny Beyer and team, who offer to share their many years of experience of working with audiences


If you are interested, please send an email with a short artistic bio and a motivation answering following questions:
Which time frame do you apply for? Why would you like to do the residency? How would you spend your time? How would you invite audience into your process? 

This can be either written (motivation max. 1 page) or in form of a video (max. 2 minutes) until 7 April 2023 to: hello@jennybeyer.de. 

The jury will consist of one member of Jenny Beyer’s core team, a representative from our cooperation partners Kulturhaus Eidelstedt/HausDrei and an external facilitator with a focus on diversity and accessibility. 

If you have any questions, please contact hello@jennybeyer.de.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Jenny Beyer & Team


Since 2014, Jenny Beyer, together with her artistic partners, has been offering OPEN STUDIOS in Hamburg and researching practices of encounter and movement between artists and audiences. How can we share interests and resources not just with other artists, but involve people that are usually considered ‚the audience‘? Meeting audience forms the basis and breeding ground for artistic research by turning it into a shared dance practice. Six pieces have been created in close dialogue with non-professional, curious viewers since then. As part of the three-year project ‚to Give – to Take – to Need‘, funded by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund, the OPEN STUDIOS take place not only at Kampnagel but also at Hamburg's district cultural centres HausDrei (Altona), Kulturhaus Eidelstedt and Jenny Beyer’s Studio 'Alte Post' since 2022. Our goal is to seek encounters with as many people as possible, also outside the usual theater framework.
The ‚to Give – to Take – to Need‘-residency programme started in 2022 with its first resident choreographer Salah Zater. The programme aims to share space, time and resources with other artists and to enable people from Hamburg and beyond to get to know different artistic languages and concepts of audience encounters and participation.

From a self-critical perspective, we would like to explore what our approach of dialogical work at eye level can be. We value equity and diversity as integral parts of our working ethics and see ourselves as beginners who are eager to learn from each other and to develop strategies together for an anti-discriminative, socially sustainable (work) environment. 
We welcome applications from people of all genders, nationalities, religions/beliefs, with disabilities, of all ages, sexual orientations and identities. Currently our core team consists of white-read and non-disabled people. We reflect that this can be a challenging situation for BIPoC and people with disabilities. Unfortunately, the studio in Altona is located on the first floor and is only accessible via numerous steps. There is no toilet for wheelchair users on site.

The residency programme is part of the three-year-project TO GIVE–TO TAKE–TO NEED, funded by DIEHL+RITTER/TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with the support of the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR.Hilfsprogramm Tanz. Funded by the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media.

Photo: Thies Rätzke

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