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Together with Kampnagel, K3 – Zentrum für Choreographie | Tanzplan Hamburg and other partners, and with the support of the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media, Jenny Beyer and team have received the federal funding TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund, which will enable us to realize our three-year project TO GIVE-TO TAKE-TO NEED from January '22 to early '25. This will allow us to share our space, encounter formats and structures even more with artists and people we don't yet know in different places in Hamburg and beyond.

What has happened so far: Since 2022, we have been thinking of our meeting format of the OPEN STUDIOS as even more mobile – in addition to Kampnagel, the OPEN STUDIOS now take place regularly in the Hamburg district cultural centres HausDrei (Altona) & Kulturhaus Eidelstedt as well as at our new rehearsal location 'Studio Alte Post'. The individual meetings are no longer exclusively tied to production phases in which we produce new pieces – since 2022 they have also taken place independently of producing new pieces.

As part of our residency programme 'TO GIVE–TO TAKE–TO NEED', we were pleased to welcome Hamburg-based dancer and performance artist Salah Zater as our first artist in residence for a fortnight at the 'Alte Post' studio. At the end of his residency Salah Zater opened his process and invited to an OPEN STUDIO. Our OPEN CALL for the next three residencies in 2023 runs until 7 April – apply now!

Outlook: In 2024/25, the production "An Attempt of Togetherness" (AT) will be created with the international initiative Sweet&Tender Collaborations. Artists will come together across national borders to work on the following questions from different locations, facing different contexts and audiences: How is transnational cooperation possible in the face of climate change and spreading nationalisms? How can we share interests and resources?

For more information on the funding please refer to the press release of TANZPAKT.

TO GIVE–TO TAKE–TO NEED will be realised together with the following partners:

KampnagelK3 – Zentrum für Choreografie | Tanzplan HamburgHausDrei e.V.Eidelstedter KulturContainerHochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz BerlinStudiengang Contemporary Dance Education Master (MA CoDE) der HfMDK FrankfurtAkademie der Kulturellen Bildung RemscheidHochschule für Künste im Sozialen OttersbergNRW Landesbuero TanzKultur- und Bildungszentrum Bad OldesloeGalerie im Marstall AhrensburgTanzhaus ZürichDansekunst i Trondheim og Midt–Norge (DansiT)Sweet&Tender Collaborations

Fotos: Thies Rätzke
Kampnagel | 19-22.02.

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